Pocono Rabbit Farm and Laboratory Inc.
We understand the value of preserving genetic information for future research endeavors. That's why we offer Total RNA Isolation/Archiving services as part of our comprehensive antibody development process. If you discover an exceptional animal that produces a highly effective antibody, we can isolate RNA from both bone marrow and spleen samples, preserving the genetic information that codes for the antibody. This archived RNA can serve as a valuable resource, allowing for the generation of recombinant antibodies in the future. By storing this genetic information, you can ensure that the insights gained from your current research can be leveraged for future projects, maximizing the impact of your discoveries. Trust PRF&L to provide reliable RNA isolation and archiving services, empowering you to advance your research with confidence and foresight.
306 Dutch Hill Road
Canadensis, PA 18325
800-622-6381 - Toll Free
570-595-7108 - Worldwide